Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Help

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself

Well it does feel like a sugar-coated pill. They skip over most of the violence and rape and real suffering that I know was apparent at the time, but that's not what this movie is. This is a sweeter more family friendly look at the time and place and it's also very enjoyable, I like this one.

The thing that jumps out at me most about the film is the colours. It's so bright and cheery, everything is painted in golden light. It really feels like a nostalgic memory that's been slightly discoloured (in more ways than one) as a happier time.

The cast here are all dependable, really great. With a running time over two hours (that is barley noticeable) they have time to develop a lot of the characters in to more rounded people and tell so many stories, it's almost surprising it's as cohesive as it is but everything fits together really well.

All the drama in this worked for me. The humour sprinkled throughout works as well. I think it's everything it aims to be. Some may argue it's a little "light" but probably nit that it's very well made and entertaining.

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