Friday, November 11, 2011


First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Paul, Kim

I can see why Aaron Sorkin would be drawn to this story, he loves writing about the behind the scene running of institutions we are all familiar with but never give a second thought to how they work. Here, that institution is Baseball and thankfully for me, you don't need to understand how the game works or even sit through much of it to enjoy the film.

So don't go in expecting an underdog sporting team motivational movie. Whilst it does have those elements they aren't the focus, this is a dialogue driven drama. And it's a pretty good one too. I enjoyed it muchly.

Spike Jonze totally shows up, I called it. I thought it was him but wasn't sure and his name isn't on the credit list, but it is him. I don't know why the jump to acting but he was quite funny.

The film does have one pet peeve of mine and that it captions at the end of the film that explain the aftermath. This one had SUCH a great ending point and I really felt it it was the perfect place to leave the film. But that's probably just me.

While it's a subject that doesn't get me excited the drama was still engaging and the characters were interesting enough to invest in.

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