Wednesday, June 18, 2014

22 Jump Street

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Andrew

I really loved the first film and the second time around is just as fun. They take the self-referentially up a notch, not just making a point about how sequels fail and their lack of a budget, but also at romantic comedies in general.

Whilst they make a point about them telling the exact same story again, the jokes are fresh and the pace is swift. In general it feels less fresh than the original but it was still plenty of fun. And perhaps my favourite part were the amazing end credits, which make a strong case that they don't want to do any more sequels. There's also a very short scene right at the end of the credits but you'll have to decide if it's worth it to stay through or not.

Anyone that's ever studied story structure or screenplay writing will get a kick out of how the lampoon the rules here. And for the rest of you theres still ridiculous comic action and characters to enjoy. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller have delivered their first sequel and it's very good, but hopefully they won't have to do any more, I think they've kind of exhausted the gags now.

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