Thursday, August 28, 2014

Magic in the Moonlight

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Tyler

Woody Allen's latest is a light and fluffy little piece, purportedly a comedy but there's not really any funny moments. It has an alright set up for a romance but the amazing actors are stranded delivering some of the most inept dialogue I've heard from a purportedly well renowned writer in a long time. In his fright to release a movie a year Allen seems to have rushed this one and filmed a first draft, where the ideas for scenes are laid out but what actually happens in them seems to be placeholder.

My guest succinctly described this as and "unapologetic seesaw between blatant exposition and blatant statement of theme." It's bewildering and flaccid and the cast can't save it, though you can see them trying, while they all holiday in France on the films budget. 

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