Friday, October 31, 2014

John Wick

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Tyler

Really good B-Grade action movies are a rare thing today. This one thankfully is a lot of fun, if you view it with the right attitude. It has the most basic bare bones plot, one we've seen a thousand times before and it shamelessly parades this front and centre which is hilarious in and of itself. It has a few quirks involving the assassin underworld which are fun and the actors all do their job with a self aware sense. It's not outrageously comic book like Wanted, but it's just as fun.

Basically everything revolves around making John Wick this legendary character. They are not at all subtle about it and I'd say they succeed. It also helps that the action in the film is great fun, violent and brutal but swift and well choreographed. I suppose that's what you get when you have two former stunt men turned second unit action directors eager to prove their worth with their own film.

It's ridiculous but really enjoyable.

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