Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Myself

Thought I would check out the one of the commentaries on the new Bluray I picked up the other day. By the sounds of it these guys barely knew how to keep film exposed properly and yet their film has stood the test of time.

It's very gritty, very grainy and makes you want a shower. I find it's less of a scary film and more of a repulsive one. Also a lot of people overlook the wonderful dark humour in this twisted family dynamic of the second half. Very funny.

I find the title a bit misleading, only one person gets killed with a chainsaw. Far more people are bludgeoned.

The last 40 minutes of the film are the most effective to me. It's like the worst family dinner scene ever created. What makes it so unbearable is the constant screaming from the female lead, really starts to give you a headache after a while. And then there's all the extreme close ups of her eyeballs which is just kinda gross. The grandpa is hilarious though.

Nice film to revisit. It's so cheap and nasty and raw, it's never been one I watch often but it's still good to refresh the memory on this iconic horror classic.

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