Tuesday, May 17, 2011


First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Naomi, Michael

Whoa this was more horror and less comedy than I remember... Funny how mood and who you watch films with can alter your perception of them. I had thought this was funnier than The Cottage, another recent British comedy/horror but although The Cottage is far gorier this is the one that plays out more like a horror film from the start.

That's not to say there aren't a heap of hilarious moments. Basically you take the cast of The Office (U.K.) and drop them in a survival horror and you get this. It has a great cast and some very funny characters in extraordinary circumstances including something involving a bear trap, a land mine and best of all missile launcher.

The film does a good job of getting some genuine scares as well as laughs and there are a few great twists on audience expectations. The baddies for this film are always revealed in such a nonchalant way it's surprising how well it works. You expect them to pop up fast accompanied by an orchestral sting and be superhuman in strength or take a hundred blows before they fall. But there's something just as scary as them silently walking into the backgrounds of shots and taking a character out right in the middle of a dialogue scene or when you least expect it.

It's a very enjoyable film, it doesn't have a huge bang at the end but it does leave you with a smile.

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