Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Streetdance 2

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Kim

The first Streetdance mixed ballet and "street." This time it does the same treatment to the Samba. So it's pretty much the same story  but with a whole new cast and a different loction. There is all of about 5 lines of dialogue, terrible dialogue and nothing but exposition, that gets across nothing but the utmost basic story beats and the rest of the time we are watching dance in 3D.

Really it's just a showcase for the dance. And there is some pretty crazy awesome stuff going on however we never once get to see an entire routine performed all the way through. Instead it just cuts to tricks and jumps or various characters to make their "dancing" which I found very annoying.

They make use of the 3D at every available opportunity.  Throwing popcorn or stopping for a random pillow fight with feathers flying everywhere. Consequently only 2 characters in the film have any time for the briefest of development. But I guess no-one is here for the story. You come to watch some funky dance moves in 3D and you'll get that. Everything in between is horrible but brief. Not even enough time to be enjoyably trashy like most dance films.

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