Saturday, November 17, 2012

Die Another Day

First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Tyler

So what I was saying about Bond turning into peoples memories of the idea of what Bond was rather than what it actually was? Well, that goes double for this one.

This is comic book big. It's probably more ridiculous than Moonraker. You can't have a Bond grounded in reality and then pull shit like this. It doesn't work. That's what I've struggled with most with this series, I never know how serious to take it. I guess it comes down to personal opinion and me, while I like the fantastical premises I think I prefer something more grounded for Bond.

And this one starts out so promising too. Bond being captured and tortured over the (absolutely terrible) opening song for the credit sequence. Something very different for the franchise. But it get progressively bigger and fantastic as it progresses. The Villain swaps bodies, builds a giant ice palace and then destroys it with a big sunlight ray satellite thingy. And Bond surfs to safety. I don't think the technology was quite there to pull that off when they did this.

Invisible car?!? Ehh.

I'll admit I love the design of the bad dude with diamonds embedded in his face, even though it's impractical and seems like an easy fix. And the contact lenses don't exactly work.

Rosamund Pike amuses me to a degree. But Halle Berry? No. They even give her a "yo mamma" joke. Uh. American Bond girls are the worst. 

Time for a reboot!

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