Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Silent Hill: Revelation

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Naomi

I actually saw this one and a half times. First time jet lag got the better of me, so I had to go again the next day.

Huge disappointment. I am a big fan of the first film and an even greater fan of the game series it's based on. And I came a very long way, at great expense, primarily to see this in 3D in a cinema, as it is not getting a release in Australia. Roadshow just doesn't release its horror films anymore.

Massive fan service at the expense of storytelling. Characters only speak in clunky exposition or terrible movie cliches. Hate to say it, because I like the actors involved, but terribly delivered too. I don't know what you could possibly do with the material though.

What is does get right is the look. Production design has always been hugely important and quite specific with this series and it's recreated beautifully. The characters look and wardrobe are great as well. This film being based on the 3rd game, which is the one I know best, I could really appreciate that. And all the touches from the game they threw in. Or Games I guess I should say, with the way it ended.

However there is a lot of random "normal" horror elements thrown in that I feel are out of place in this world as well as a distinct lack of the wonderful creatures I loved from it. (Well there was one new addition that was great but rather arbitrary.)

And also a distinct lack of anything actually scary. Writer/director Michael J. Bassett is obviously a massive fan boy but I wish a more seasoned writer took a crack a crafting the story and characters into something that was at least barley legible.

The 3D was great though.

Gah, frustrating.

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