Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Life of Pi

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Tyler

The second film in our π double feature. A lot of intrigue and apprehension about this one going in. I had read quite a bit about it, my mum is a huge fan of the book and very opinionated on the subject of a film adaptation and after reading some mixed reviews I was not sure what I would make of it. Days later and I still think about it and can't wait to see it again.

First thing's first, this film is a technical and visual marvel. No denying. Best use of 3D I've ever seen. I can't wait to check it out at Imax too. They way they use it for transitions, they way it sells the amazing fx work, just awesome. They also do that ol' trick of going into scope for one segment to have the 3d pop over the edge of the frame. Gimmicky but fun. And the FX, the creation of water, the mixing of CG and real animals, it's by far the best I've ever seen.

And then there's the story. As I've seen already from reviews it's not going to be for everyone. I thought it was a lovely story and despite apprehension, I didn't feel cheated or swindled by the end. It made perfect thematic sense here. As a non-religious person if has a message about spirituality that I can get behind. It borders on being preachy but thanks to the youthful idealistic protagonist, it never feels like a lecture.

I can only imagine the nightmare Ang Lee faced with this film. Not just adapting an unadaptable story but then working with water, animals, children, extraordinarily complex visual effects and 3D. It's certainly a feat of cinema and a pretty special experience. Can't wait to see it again.

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