First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Tyler
All the actors. All of them. It's like when you see some awesome character actory guy who's face you recognise but don't know where from and you go on IMDB to see what else he was in and it turns out he had one line as a solider in an episode of Band of Brothers with every other actor ever. Actually I've never seen Band of Brothers, mainly because it looks like it would interest me about as much as a film about an old American president telling stories to people with funny facial hair. Admittedly Lincoln is less of a commitment, but it's still quite long and really not my kind of movie. American politics and history doesn't get much of a rise out of me.
I do like Janusz Kaminski's cinematography here, not always a fan of his diffused look, but it really suits this setting. I just wish he didn't have to lens every Spielberg film. The rest of the players are all well cast. There's a good chance this will get many an oscar nod for the immaculate tech and creative credits across the board.
Actors are all pretty good. They get to deliver some meaty stuff, less so the atypical speeches that bookend the film and more the delicious period insults thrown back and forth on the house floor. They do hang a lampshade on Lincoln's penchant for allegorical yarn spinning but even then, it gets a little tiresome.
As film a film as you could hope for about the 13th amendment. I've never personally hoped for such a film (much rather my robot apocalypse, but it looks like that project is dead now too) but now I've seen it I enjoyed it well enough.
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