Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Tall Man

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Tyler, Kate

I was hesitant towards this one, but then I saw it was the writer and director of the amazing and horrifying French masterpiece Martyrs.

Now this film isn't nearly as rough as that but it does have a few things in common. It has the same continual shifts in perspective and tone, keeps you guessing. It also shares the same indignant outrage over its subject matter. It certainly makes its point. It's also very morally ambiguous. This subject is a little easier to get your head around though, that of raising children and who we let do it.

Jessica Biel  makes a compelling protagonist. Especially after the rather typical first half is played out that the movie starts to reveal its true purpose.

Jodelle Ferland is again stating her claim as the go-to creepy horror girl. 

It's not exactly scary and is probably too much of a drama for casual horror flick fans, especially given the way it seems to be advertised. But there's definitely a point of view here which is great to see. 

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