Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Beyond the Black Rainbow

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes

This one actually came out a few years back but I'm still unaware of an Australian release. I read about it when it was at festivals a few years back and then again more recently when after its initial release, Mondo made a special VHS version. Very cool, and so appropriate for the film.

I'm glad I went into this one slightly prepared. I was ready for the slow pace and really trippy imagery. Reaaalllly slow pace. But then a could of things creep up on you at the end there.

A film set mainly in 1983 and they've done a remarkable job of making it look like it was actually made then as well. Very old school effects and beautiful sets and colours. It was like finding a lost little sci-fi gem that would sit happily on a shelf next to something like THX-1138, Solaris or 2001: A Space Odyssey.

There was also a lot about the company in the film, Arboria, that reminded me of the Dharma Initiative from Lost. That mix between science and 70's cult. Love that kind of stuff. And enjoyed the film too. Definitely not for everyone, but if you're into those kinds of things there's some beautiful and freaky stuff in this one.

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