Thursday, May 9, 2013

Evil Dead

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Kate

Opening night of Fede Alvarez's Evil Dead rehash was most fun indeed, once the projection issues were sorted out. Still it's very upsetting that it's only playing for a very limited run in just a handful of theatres in Australia. I would have loved to have seen in a cinema with a big screen and decent sound.

But the atmosphere more than made up for that. There are some great gags (most of which are unfortunately spoiled in the trailer) and a few moments of suspense but over all this is more of a gorefest than anything actually scary.

Have the Australian Classification Board cut out some frames from the film? Our screen went black during some blood vomiting, but perhaps it was just a faulty projector? I shall see if it happens again.

Jane Levy give it her all. That is one tough performance. I did not recognise her from Fun Size at all. The carnage is all built up and paced quite well. There are a few nods to the original series here and there. (Fans should stay through the credits.)

Apart from all the great practical make-up fx, I really loved the lighting. There are some beautiful  moments sprinkled throughout. They got some great crunchy sounds to go with the gore too.

I'm talking a lot about gore. That's really what the majority of the film is. I can complain about characters but really I'm not sure there's much point. The way the set up has been tweeked is nifty but it doesn't take long for the carnage to start and when it does, it doesn't stop till the last frame. 

I felt it was very much in line with the original Evil Dead. It takes itself seriously but some moments are so outrageous you can't help but laugh. At least that's how it played with this crowd. Here in Perth it is only playing for 4 days, so get to it while you can!

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