Friday, May 30, 2014

Sleepaway Camp

First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Kate, Michael

What can one say about the insanity that is Sleepaway Camp. Yes it's another Friday the 13th camp slasher knock-off. Emphasis on the camp. But it knows that in order to stand out from the crowd it has to offer something... special.

There is some wonderful so bad it's good acting here. So good in fact that I'm really not sure if some of it is the intentional work of insane genius or not. Either way it's fascinating to behold. The children actually seem more natural than all the adults. And the performance of that mother at the beginning is something that will never leave me. A real stand out. Impossible to describe, you simply have to see it.

And then there's the kills. There's something about the amateurish way the editing revels in the build up and the horror that cracks me up. And that score is so over the top and melodramatic too. Hilarious and amazing.

And then there's the climax. Perhaps you know it from reputation alone. If not though, it's a lot of fun to discover.

A cult classic to be sure. Could have been another forgettable slasher cash in but for better or worse, it manages to make an impact. give it a try and see what you think.

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