Friday, July 11, 2014

Willow Creek

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Tyler

Bobcat Goldthwait's found footage Bigfoot horror film. Seems like an odd fit but it worked surprisingly well. I figured it might be a comedy or a parody but no, it's straight up and worked the late night festival crowd effectively. 

Sure we've seen similar set ups before with Blair Witch and the like, a really really simple set up. This time, there's just one camera, two characters and the woods. Sometimes not even that, a good portion or the film is just a very very long single shot from inside the tent. 

But these two leads are so effective and charming in the looooong set up beforehand and wonderfully naturalistic that I had no trouble buying into the situation. The whole film's effectiveness rests on them and a few noises in that one long shot and it was wonderful. 

I'm so lade to have seen this at the cinema, I don't think this would work  nearly as well at home. Added bonus, we were sitting right behind a guy who was a real screamer. I don't think I've heard a guy yell like that in a cinema before. It was amazing.

Really simple little film, very effective and enjoyable.

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