Monday, January 10, 2011

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

First time viewed: No
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself

It's a rare film that gets better every time you watch it and this was already my top film of 2010. This film rewards multiple viewings, there is just so much going on in every scene and I always see something new. My favourite from this viewing was noticing an extra in the background just before Lucas Lee punches Scott for the first time. She has a compact camera and takes a photo using the flash which motivates the crazy heightened lighting effect that goes with the blow. Genius!

I watched with the director and cinematographer commentary this time. Hearing them talk about the shoot and the amount of work that goes into something as complicated and detailed as this is staggering especially because when you just watch the film it flows so well it all seems so effortless, you forget that every shot has been thought out and and planned for months.

Just hearing them say they tried to shoot so that each edit never went back to the same coverage, just like a comic book never repeats the same frame back and forth. That's an awful lot of set-ups. And it's true! Aside from a few conversations back and forth practically every shot is soothing new. But you'd never know unless you were looking.

Actors, characters, fights, editing, effects, script, music, everything! So much love for this film.

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