Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Fall

First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Nicole

One of my all time favourite films ever and one that unfortunately never got a release in Australia or much notice anywhere else. That is a travesty because it's simply breathtaking and I have yet to find someone that doesn't love it upon viewing.

The film takes its plot from the premise of the 1981 Bulgarian film Yo Ho Ho. A stunt man with a broken back befriends a young girl in hospital by telling her adventure stories, in order to trick her into helping him commit suicide. The fantasy sequences are incredibly realised with some striking photography and astonishing real world locations.

Tarsem Singh, who seems to be just going by Tarsem now, has been making commercials and music videos for a while now and the very slick commercial visual look shows up in his films. I think I may be one of the few that liked The Cell, but even if you didn't go along with the story it's hard to deny the look is incredible.

Here though the story, characters and acting all come together as well. Tarsem gets an incredible natural and moving performance out of young Catinca Untaru. She is the heart and soul of the film, which is quite a big ask for a 5 year old but it comes together incredibly well. Likewise Lee Pace as the injured stunt man is charming and heartbreaking.

I don't want to say much more but for gods sake just try and get a hold of a copy and watch it. It's soooo good.

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