First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Amberly
Probably Dario Argento's most popular film. I do really love it, although it's not something I find scary in the slightest, but I do love it's operatic melodrama. It's such a heightened stylistic film. And has some of the most memorable imagery. He makes horror beautiful.
A lot of that probably has to do with the craaaaazy colour scheme they use. I believe this was the last film shot in Technicolor. They got one of the last working cameras out of retirement and then washed the frame out with bright primary colour lighting. That and the wall papers and paint is all kinds of crazy too. It's very striking visually.
And then there's the infamous score by Gobiln. I recently heard it in the new Jane Eyre trailer, which I think must have subconsciously prompted this viewing. But I also heard it in Black Swan promos, apt. Another Ballet/horror film of sorts. The soundtrack, like the visuals and the acting, can be very grating and horrific and also very beautiful.
I never get used to the Italian practice of never recording sound and post-syncing everything. They seem to have a disregard for lip-synch to, which always throws me a little. The action of the characters doesn't make much sense most of the time but Argento seems to be more concerned with the feeling and the look rather than having it all be logical.
First time I've watched the blurry version. the colour certainly pops, I think some of the highlights were blown out though, but that could have just been the TV we watched it on. I'll have to look into that.
Such a fun cult classic. And Udo Keir with an american voice dubbing! It all builds up to a crazy climax and ends rather abruptly but It's a pretty fun ride.
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