Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day Night Day Night

First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Tyler, Jordan

This film is almost excruciatingly slow paced but the distancing editing and shooting style becomes almost hypnotic after a while. And when the audience slowly starts to cotton on to what's happening the pace creates a tense atmosphere.

Thank god Luisa Williams is interesting to watch when she starts to crack in those final moments, otherwise we are just watching a girl wash her hands and eat a pretzel for an hour and a half.

There's not really any discernible plot and only really one character, who due to the nature of the way the film is constructed is very closed off and indecipherable until the final moments. But I won't give away even the basic premise. Don't watch the trailer if you can, the film is best discovered.

And there are moments of genuine suspense towards the end. Guerrilla filmmaking in Time Square, it's a bold feat and contains the films best sequences.

It's a bit of a mixed bag and will no doubt just piss some people off but I think there's enough here to think about and despite what little happens it always kept me engaged.

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