Monday, March 18, 2013

A Good Day to Die Hard

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Tyler

UUUUuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh. Just let it Die. Hard.

What a pitiful excuse for a movie. It was like an 8 year old kid in the 80's wrote the script based on what he thought all those action movies he was never allowed to see were. And then a director got a hold of it and tried to desperately turn it into the next Bourne film because that's what action filmmaking is today. Something about the CIA and documents and helicopters and car chases and cameras so shaky you can't tell what's going on. As long as we light it with yellow and blue lighting it will look cool.

The out of character way John McClane bulldozes his way into the story is almost as ham-fisted as the father/son relationship dynamic. Every line that tried to sound like a Shane Black zinger only made me want him to die even more. His penchant for wanton destruction is completely out of hand and while I'm willing to suspend my disbelief that he can keep walking away from the bigger acts of violence in the film (and even radiation poisoning) I can't believe that there's absolutely no reprimand for the hundreds that have been killed in his wake on foreign soil for something that was absolutely none of his business.

Easily the worst in the series. Easily the worst scripted action film I've seen this year. So bad it goes past good and down to just plain unwatchable.

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