Monday, May 6, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Tyler

Pew pew pew!

The first J.J. Star Trek was fun. This time around the humour didn't always work as well, though it has its moments. The drama works well enough but it was very predictable which didn't help much with the tension they were trying to maintain.

A few twists that just didn't hold much impact given all the speculation and rumours. They play a little with expectation but hard-core fans that didn't like the first treatment will be positively fuming by the end of this one.

It's only the second film in this new series but already playing with the emotional vulcan thing is getting tired.

But there's still a lot of fun times and space battles and Robocop and Smaug fighting each other. Simon Pegg is MVP. The others crew members pretty much get shafted.

Memories of Galaxy Quest destroyed any emotional impact the climax might have had. Instead I was stifling giggles.

So brush up on the original sequel and be prepared for the onslaught of lens flares (in 3D!) and if you can look past some misguided fan service you'll more than likely have a great time.


  1. Haven't seen this. Looks as though you got some sweet thoughts on it though. Have you had the chance to watch 'Trance'? Be interested to read.

  2. sure did,

  3. Sweet, derped real bad, should've found that.
