Friday, December 6, 2013

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Tyler

I don't know too much about the short story the film is based on but I do know it's completely different to the original adaptation. I also know this one's been in development for a very long time.

So we have Walter Mitty, a daydreamer who has to learn to to start living his dreams to enjoy his life. That's a very simple and basic narrative thread and we've all seen it before. Unfortunately for this film, whatever uniqueness it had going for it was completely spoiled in the omnipresent trailers that have been blaring out at us for the past few months. There's really not much more to the film that what we see there.

If you have managed to avoid the trailers, and don't mind on-the-nose sentiment, you might get something out of this. Ben Stiller has made a visually captivating film but I found no real drive or emotional response from it.

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