Monday, January 3, 2011

Down To The Bone

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: No
Watched With: Myself

You really have to be in the right mood to watch one of these slow paced indi character pieces and I don't think I am. Nothing much happens in this one, a single mum trying to cope with addiction. Very realistic, Vera Farmiga is fine, I just didn't enjoy this much. I keep hearing about how her career kickstarted because of this role but, similar to Jennifer Lawrence in Winter's Bone, I don't see what the fuss is about. They are fine and all but I have liked other characters she played more. The mother in Joshua and romantic interest in Up in the Air. Hell, even in Orphan she is amazing to behold. (highly underrated IMO)

It's one of those meandering films that doesn't seem to have much structure and just when they give me a relationship conflict to grab hold of the film abruptly ends. I guess character pieces don't need closure or resolution but still, that was kind of annoying.

These, I hesitate to use the term "mumblecore," films are always hit and miss. They walk a fine line. Sometimes I love them and sometimes I loath them and it's frustratingly hard to pinpoint just why some work and others don't. I wasn't really in the mood for this so I'm probably doing the film a disservice but It just didn't interest me at all.

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