Sunday, January 30, 2011

This Is Not A Test

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: No
Watched With: Myself

That horrible video is the closest thing I could find to a trailer for this "never released theatrically" film. Wowzers. It's a very umm, student looking film. The acting is hilarious. The dialogue more so. No one in the film reacts like any actual person would at the news of an impending nuclear attack. Their polite conversation and their arguments are delivered in exactly the same way. And all the single close ups have far too much head room in the frame. Hilarious.

There are a bunch of characters, the cop, the grandpa and granddaughter, the married couple, the young hip couple, the crazy hitch hiker, the rebellious free spirited girl, the dog etc. As funny as I find the cop's voice I'd have t say my favourite character is Joe, the very straight, very white guy delivering beatnik dialogue.

I really don't think anyone would care about catching an escaped criminal or talking about their lives when a nuclear bomb is going to drop and kill them all. In fact no-one ever seems to be in much of a hurry about anything. They all take there time talking and preparing a truck as a bomb shelter. A group splits off to try and make it on their own. Another group shows up and causes a fight.

Thankfully the film is over a little over an hour after it began. And they kill the dog.

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