Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Next Three Days

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself

This was an alright diversion. Just not that engaging until the actual jail break which wasn't until the last 10 minutes. It's a very awkwardly structured film, Haggis keeps introducing elements and changing tone and consequently the whole film feels like exposition because the film keeps changing it's mind about what it is.

Whats good about the Russell Crowe character is that he isn't an expert, he doesn't know how to use a gun, in fact he screws up a lot. When he puts his plan into motion he doesn't suddenly become a martial arts expert. It was kept pretty real.

I hated the music in this. The choice of songs and the score just grated with me. But that was a small thing, that probably only I would notice in an otherwise alright film.


  1. Man I am wishing you had a score for this.

    Anyway, I saw it tonight too, I hated it. 32/100.

    The sub plots were laughable and the black detective on the trail was an embarrassment. The whole thing was a mess, too long and poorly executed. The scene where she flings herself out the car was the last straw for me.

  2. I agree, it did feel far too long and when that cop was introduced at what felt like should have been where they were starting to wrap up I was pissed off.

    I didn't think it was technically poorly executed, besides the music, but that script had some major problems. I just didn't care about it enough to be horribly offended by anything though, I don't have a strong opinion one way or another. I think I've forgotten most of it already.
