Saturday, February 19, 2011


First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself

Jaume Collet-Serra has now made 3 films for Dark Castle Entertainment. The House of Wax remake was good, Paris Hilton gets murdered and Orphan was far better than it had any right to be mainly due to a great cast that sold the premise and drama so damn well. This film feels like a step up in terms of budget and scope and a step down in terms of story and script.

It's very straight forward, is Liam Neeson crazy or is everyone covering up his existence and why? There's some actiony stuff and something about a summit and a terrorist attack on a foreign prince and they shoehorn in some romance stuff with that girl from the National Treasure films. It's fine, but very predictable. As for the big twist, well it's not really that twisty and if you start to think about it too much it's credibility unravels fast.

Berlin looks very pale green-blue. They've colour timed the whole film like this. There's a preset in my colour grading scheme called Berlin that is the same colour. I guess that's just what people think Berlin looks like?

I'll be honest I had a bit of a sugar rush at the start of the film (curse you cinema food dinner) and got very sleepy in the middle. I don't think I missed anything though or if I did it obviously didn't impact on the plot at all. Overall a very meh film.

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