First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: No
Watched With: Myself
After just watching The Core I happened across this one so I thought I'd give it a try. It's an okay old disaster film that involves a lot of nuclear devices being set off deep in the earth, both to start the disaster AND avert it.
The central love triangle is kinda lame, it's pretty lopsided and the guy that's being difficult is terminally ill anyway so there's no real competition or drama there. But who watches these for the drama? What about the 'splotions?
They were ok. Not great. An island blew up which was nice, but then they cut to stock of a nuke test. There's a lot of stock in this. But the best bit was a train on a bridge being smooshed by rockslide.
It's definitely not the best of it's kind but I do enjoy the miniature work.
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