First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Myself
Wow, could only find a TV Spot for this film. I did find a trailer I couldn't work out how to embed and it was a very bad trailer anyway, completely inappropriate for the film. Made it look like some kind of 90's comedy. But there's not much funny stuff in this one, it takes itself petty seriously.
Actually it has kind of a pensive tone throughout and it never really connects for me despite quite a few cool sequences and concepts.
The thing I like most and the one part I always rememberd from this film was their version of a warp drive. It's not all nice and shiny like in Star Trek, that thing is dangerous, no-one wants to use it because everytime they do someone dies. And in pretty gross Cronenberg type ways, being turned inside out and fusing with their saftey pods. Nasty.
The other thing I remember was the strange alien artefact they find and what it does. They leave the consequences, as well as quite a few plot points, open for interpretation. It wants to be Solaris and Star Trek all in one. And it doesn't quite succeed at either but it's never horrifically bad either. On the contrary it's quite enjoyable for the most part.
The cast is cool. James Spader and Angela Bassett are fun to see in a sci-fi. And Robin Tunney! Remember when she was in films? Good times. The effects hold together pretty well, It looks great and David Williams gives it a cool score.
Great to rediscover this one all over again.
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