Thursday, October 13, 2011

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Myself

Finally about time to go through my new bluray set. Thought I'd check out the new commentaries made from interviews and such.

It's interesting watching how far computer graphics have come since the first of the prequels. Just looking at the new digital Yoda replacement next to Jar Jar it shows. Still, all groundbreaking at the time. Replacing puppet Yoda is just one of the constant revisions George Lucas has made to the films. I guess people don't care so much about tinkering with the prequels though.

So I haven't seen this film for a very long time. I was overwhelmed by the effects and action when it came out but as that fascination wore off the film that is left is probably my least favourite of the 6. Poor Jake Lloyd. Fan hatred will follow him around forever whether it was his fault or not, but he is terrible in the film.

Even more annoying is Jar Jar Binks. It's hard for me to feel such hatred as some though. I grew up with Return of the Jedi more than any other Star Wars film and I loved the Ewoks. I still love the Ewoks. I still own the 2 Ewok TV movies and love them too. Many people regard Ewoks with the same hatred as Jar Jar though, so although I can;t stand him I understand he's there to serve a function, a very stupid and annoying one. That goes for a lot of this film.

Darth Maul is pretty cool though.

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