Friday, October 14, 2011

The Thing

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Jordan, Josh, Tyler

This new film functions as a direct prequel to John Carpenter's, the closing credit shots being practically identical to the opening of that film. It's filled with details in the production design and the sequence of events that matches it very closely to the '82 film.

The film is much quicker paced than it's predecessors, it's a louder more flashy version of the story, although there's nothing stylistically, besides the effects, that would be out of place in the original remake. The effects, practical and digital, are just awesome. And you get a good look at them too. The practical effects in the original remake are infamous and it does a great job of getting that look but making it more... realistic? Mmm.

The film focuses more on the action and less on the paranoia. It's the kind of film that goes for jumps scares rather than suspense but I think it's a worthy addition. I'm not as precious about Carpenter's as some, I thought it was quite fun.

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