Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Eyes Wide Shut

First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Kim

Write Up.

At first glance a curious film to double with Clockwork Orange but thematically they are the two Kubrick films that deal closely with the concept of what is morally right and wrong, featuring characters that live somewhere in that grey area.

Great to finally see this one in a cinema too. I was far too young on its original theatrical release. My appreciation of this one only continues to grow the more I watch it. It doesn't seem to rate highly with friends but I think it's just as strong and resounding as any of his other films.

Watching it this time I noticed how palindromic the structure is, the way it sets up scenarios and then codas them backwards one at a time until we are back to the beginning. And of course at the centre we have that mysterious party that when you watch it for the first time, you have no idea what's coming and where the film could possibly head after.

There were a few other things I noticed this time too, always nice to have a film with details you can pick up on multiple viewings.

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