First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Belinda
This is more of a Die Hard film than the latest Die Hard. As you could expect, it's pompous and very patriotic, gratingly so. It's also pretty outrageous in its implausibility but the cast are all so deadly serious that I found myself laughing all the way through, which was actually kinda fun. Even the captions were so serious the made me laugh.
Gerard Butler is good fun, I still never believe his American accent. From Dylan McDermott's first innocuous words at the beginning of the film I distrusted him immediately. I don't know if it's because he's obviously telegraphed or because his recent role in American Horror Story just makes me presume he's evil. Radha Mitchell showing up was a pleasant surprise but she has nothing to do. Sadly Ashley Judd has even less. There was something strangely satisfying about seeing Melissa Leo get beaten to a pulp. Morgan Freeman was the President again (pretty much).
It's a bit of an old fashioned stand off, with a lot of gun fighting and lose quarters combat. More than I thought there would be. Some of the visual fx aren't so great. Even some basic screen and monitor replacement looked poorly composited.
It's a very silly film. And there's another with seemingly the exact same premise coming out in a few months. We'll see if that fares any better. But this might scratch a purely mindless action itch for some.
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