Monday, January 31, 2011

I Spit On Your Grave

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself

Like the Last House on the Left remake I think I like this remake better than the original. The original is pure exploitation parading under the banner of feminist empowerment, and I think but to a much lesser degree than the original Last House on the Left, it is a very grungy, cheap gratuitous film. And god bless it for that.

This time we have the exact same set up, albeit faster paced and with the inclusion of a new character, a sheriff. The character dynamics between the young thugs are essentially the same although their specific crimes are a little more unique which allows for a more personal revenge for each.

First half of the film is rape, second is revenge. Simple. Apparently being raped gives you super human strength and the ability to set up ridiculously elaborate traps that thematically fit the crime of the victim. But who cares when the resulting carnage is worth the lack of suspension of disbelief.

Sarah Butler play our heroine. She does a fine job with a tough physical performance. It was particularly fun seeing Daniel Franzese show up playing the polar opposite of his character from Mean Girls. He also had the best death IMO. Problematic, because his was the first and they never managed to top it for me. But I'm probably in the minority, I'm sure more people would rather have their eyes pecked out by crows than have their dick cut off and shoved in their mouth. Oh it's all so symbolic.

It's nicely shot, the pace is faster than the original but still keeps a relatively slow build at the start. If you're into it or if you like the original, it's definitely worth a look. But lets not pretend it's anything but very well made exploitation.

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