Thursday, May 5, 2011

Alexandra's Project

First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Dominic, Zoe

Rolf de Heer's awesome little film from 2003. A dark suburban drama. I guess you could call it a revenge story. Needless to say the "Project" Alexandra's been cooking up is pretty harsh.

This almost feels like it could be a play. It's pretty economical, mainly taking place in one room with a man and a video tape. Helen Buday is great as Alexandra, she has quite a bit to go through. Gary Sweet has the slightly harder part of reacting to the video. To be honest there are a few times especially towards the beginning where he isn't entirely successful for me, it's actually in the more normal and happier parts. But once things turn sour he's fine.

Watching a person watch a video for 80 minutes doesn't sound all that appealing but it's riveting the whole time. That's because the editing, the filming, the actors and probably most importantly the script are all great.

I don't want to ruin the mystery of what exactly Alexandra's Project is if you haven't seen it because you definitely should seek this one out, so I'll leave it there.

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