Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Take Shelter

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Jordan

No one does a slow decent into madness better than Michael Shannon. He's always fascinating to watch and does the crazy really well. Just look at Revolutionary Road and my personal favourite, Bug. Love that film.

Here he's supported by Jessica Chastain, who's just jumped onto the scene this year in a big way. Thanks to her performance and the great writing we get far more believable scenarios and reactions than any film that has "the wife" character archetype. You know, the one that's always nagging to much or blowing up at the protagonist or just seems like a hysterical woman. Here everything is far more understated and believable. An while she does have some of those reactions they always manage to still be supportive of the protagonist. It's really great.

The film works as an examination of what it is to loose your mind, to be aware that your are going crazy and it's gradual and sad. The impending apocalyptic storm he imagines is the perfect metaphor for this and hangs a sense of dread over the film. For the longest time, you're left up in the air as to whether he is truly whacked out or some kind of mad prophet.

The apocalyptic visions are provided by The Brothers Strause, who do absolutely fantastic work for a really tight budget. Just look at Skyline. Thankfully though, unlike that film they had nothing to do with the writing or directing. And unlike that film the effects here add so much to the story and the mood.

The ending is one I will need to think about long and hard before I make any judgments. It's not a big shock or twist but it does give you much to think about depending on how you interpret it. I haven't decided fully what I think it means yet. Fortunately it doesn't detract in any way from what came before it, it only enhances it and serves to emphasis particular points. Very interesting.

So although I'm still thinking about it, I will say I did like it. It's only playing on one screen in Perth so seek it out, it's worth your time.

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