Thursday, April 5, 2012

Critters 4

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: No
Watched With: Myself

Critters in SPAAAAAACEEE! Well technically that's where they started but now, after a brief prologue which was just a rehash of the epilogue in part 3, we jump 53 years into the future. All the action takes place on a run down space station with a salvage crew who find the pod containing Charlie and the two critter eggs. Did not see that coming.

Brad Dourif is in this! And he's great. As is Angela Bassett. I also recognised that evil dude from Twin Peaks.

This one is probably the least consequential of all and you can see them trying to push the Alien style space horror on the film. Like they've used this franchise to play out their own fanboy dreams. 

This film is not funny. It seems to forget about the jokes and gags which is a nice change of pace but unfortunately this is not the kind of material you can take all too seriously. Most curious of all is the dramatic change in Ugs character which is never explained and seemed like a more intriguing story that what the film gave us. 

I keep seeing ways I would have developed the story, all the missed opportunities and undeveloped ideas the franchise presents. But I doubt anyone is clamouring for a Critters 5 or a reboot. As it is, it's an odd but pretty definitive ending for the unexpected franchise that, let's be honest, was just New Line's cash in on the success of Gremlins. 

Still the series holds together far better than those horrible Children of the Corn sequels I just forced myself through. Yeesh.

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