Friday, April 6, 2012

Dark Night of the Scarecrow

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: No
Watched With: Myself

This really hit the spot. A made for TV movie from 1981 that was just released on dvd. I had read about it and must admit I always did find scarecrows creepy so I thought I'd give it a go. It turned out to be far better than I was expecting.

While its shot simply and on a budget, and can't show any gore, it still manages to create a really creepy atmosphere. It expertly sets up the story and the characters and even though it pretty much tells you who is going to be the next victim it always keeps the mystery of who is doing the killings right up until the very end.

This is a case of a simple idea done well. I was hoping for more scarecrow imagery but in the end I think it's far more effective by not showing anything at all. You don't know if it's a ghost, or one of many possible characters with a motive or simply the overwhelming guilt playing with their heads.

With a good cast of familiar faces and a great 80's slasher feeling but with a more brooding pace this film was a pleasant surprise indeed. A lost gem.

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