Monday, February 28, 2011

Conquest of the Planet of the Apes

First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Myself

My Bluray set just arrived and this is the one I wanted to see first because of the recently restored cut they have as an alternate on the disc. Ultimately it isn't that different but the extra gore and the the way the end plays out is cool and makes it that more evil. Which is what this film needed after the lightness in tone of the third film. Also this is the story that will form the basis of the remake that should be coming out this year with James Franco and some Weta mocap apes.

The fourth film in the series. The scope of the stories seem inversely proportionate to the budget they had. It does show somewhat, which makes me excited to see what the remake will be. Hopefully not another Tim Burton one. That film had some merits but ultimately was a failure.

Roddy Mcdowall returns, playing his own son from the last film. Time Travel huh? You know, besides the dubious method of time travel the timeline does work out although it is a self fulfilling prophecy, which means a self contained loop, but that's ok.

There really isn't much story to this film, it's pretty much just the rise of the Apes from slavery. Is alright. Look forward to checking out the extras in the set.

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