Sunday, February 27, 2011


First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself

What a rollicking good time.

I think this might be the first greek film I've seen. It's a doozy. I really liked it though. It's that classic set up that we've all though about at some time or another, what if you raised kids in isolation from the real world and made up your own fantasy rules that became their reality. This film takes that rather sick concept and runs with it.

It's a very simple story, very economically told. Slow paced and observational, it takes a while to get into and figure out exactly what is going on. The film is punctuated by brief outbursts of some shocking behaviour and ends as abruptly as it begins, very open ended but with strong suggestions as to the downfall of this make believe world.

For the most part we are observing what day to day life in this charade of a life consists of. A little slow for my tastes but I can't pass up a good controversial film.

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