Monday, April 4, 2011

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Jordan

The funniest CG animated film. The Funniest.

This film just makes me so happy. It's so ridiculous. Hardly anyone I know saw when it came out this which was really upsetting because it's actually great. And they missed out on seeing it in 3D on the big screen which was also damn impressive.

It's a visual feast, no pun intended. There is some damn crazy technical working going on here that I couldn't even begin to describe, just know that it looks awesome. The cartoonish character design must have been hugely problematic to get right but they are all insanely detailed and rich over the top cartoonish performances. Especially in the rubbery faces. Such great animation.

The Voices are top notch too. I love Bill Hader mainly because of his starring role in this. Andy Samberg, Bruce Campbell, Neil Patrick Harris and of course a hilarious turn by Mr. T.

Again, I love that the humour doesn't rely on pop culture references or being mean to people. It's just plain ol' funny. But it also sneaks in a lot of heart, great characters, some incredible visuals and super cool action sequences done the way only animation can. That long single shot of Flint going from one side of town up into the spaghetti twister and back out is so neat. As is anything Mr. T. does. And Chicken Brent.

So much love for this film. Please give it a look if you ever had doubts. I promise it's way better than you might have thought.

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