Wednesday, April 13, 2011


First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: No
Watched With: Myself

Another Sidney Lumet. This one is like a deadly serious version of Dr. Strangelove.

I love me my nuclear drama. Although this one was very hard to get into, it starts off with just a lot of talking heads, most of the film is just talking heads actually. And a lot of it is moralistic diatribe that sounds a little shoehorned into the conversations. I guess they make their point though.

But towards then end when the tensions starts building to the climax it becomes much more engaging and interesting. And it builds up to a great ending, that's the most important thing.

It has a fantastic cast, but unfortunately the version I watched was very old and grainy. It might just be that way, i'm not too sure, there seemed to be a lot of stock footage used so that could be part of it. Also one of the reasons they probably shot in Black and White too.

It makes a great addition to my nuclear drama list and also another great film from the recently deceased director. I still have a heap more to go though.

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