Thursday, May 5, 2011


First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Myself

What an odd film. I get what they were going for though, it's a very germanic kind of old school fairytale. Tim Curry as the evil dude in that iconic make up is the best. That's a horny devil.

Ridley Scott shoots the hell out of this though, the look of it, the lighting is beautiful. It does look very studio based, but the sets are awesome, it's such a stylised look anyway. There doesn't seem to be a frame of this film where they've coated the atmosphere in something. Dust, smoke, feather, bubbles, petals, snow, rain, glitter? It looks nice but must have been hell to act in.

That pixie thing, Blix, freaks me out. When Lili goes evil is awesome though. Meg Mucklebones is pretty funny too, although a little episodic.

The music is really trippy too. I believe there are two scores, Jerry Goldsmith's and Tangerine Dreams. Or a mix or both, I think I have the European Jerry Goldsmith one. I don't know what the difference is but this is the one I've always known. Some of the moods they create are so over the top, like the start where Lili touches the unicorn and a storm comes up and everything goes dark. It's so over the top it's funny. I guess it's just very sincere.

Like I said before, it's an odd film, mainly because of the tone, but it has a beautiful look to it, a very classical fairytale.

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