Wednesday, March 14, 2012


First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Mum

Didn't know this play, by the bard. I do like the modern interpretation though. And apparently this is the first feature film version of the play. Ralph Fiennes does a good job in front and behind the camera.

The opening moments play out like a modern warfare game. I heard he had ramboed up Shakespeare but it didn't take long for it to become just talking heads for the rest of the film and my hopes for any more action were dashed. But who goes to Sheakespeare for the action?

Great cast doing solid work. For Brian Cox and Vanessa Redgrave this just seems second nature. I must admit towards the end I started drifting off whilst deciphering this archaic language but I attribute that more to malnourishment than the performance of the film.

Using the language in modern times has been done before but I don't think it feels too jarring here. The whole world that is created seems every so slightly removed from out reality anyway. I can't comment on the adaptation but, at the star at least, things moved pretty swiftly with the use of television broadcasts getting across exposition and allowing jumps to various scenes.

Good to know the story now I guess, the film was ok.

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