Monday, June 13, 2011

Cold Creek Manor

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: No
Watched With: Myself

I thought this was a different film. After watching The Cottage again recently I wanted to see the directors latest work and when I saw the cover of this I thought it was his film. Mixed up the titles though, his film is Cherry Tree Lane and this film is Cold Creek Manor.

So imagine my surprise when all these famous people showed up in a no-name low budget horror. Kristen Stewart's age gave it away, this film was not made last year. Pleasantly surprised to find Mike Figgis made it though. And that it's not that bad either.

The other advantage to not knowing anything about it was that I had no idea what to expect. At first I thought it might be a haunted house story. Then when Dennis Quaid's character turned out to be a documentarian filming everything I thought it might go the Paranormal activity route. Then when we're introduced to the town and some other shifty characters I thought it might turn into a slasher film, a whodunnit. And boy does it take its time setting things up and building tension. Really did keep me curious just to see where the hell they were going with this story.

And most of that was not to do with anything horrific or mysterious, it was the tension between the characters in the story that was keeping me on edge. An awkward situation to be placed in with some unsettling characters. All of that stuff worked really well.

The last half hour goes more into a run of the mill horror film though and I guess it was building up to that the whole time but I guess the journey was a little more fun that the destination. Another strange way to discover a film and it was enjoyable enough but went a little long for my tastes.

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