Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Devil Inside

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself

I think the trailer is scarier than the film. It's also more interesting. This film stops dead in it's tracks, the credits start rolling what feels like half way through act 2, completely unsatisfying. Almost infuriating actually.

I had to leave the cinema briefly twice to try and convince the staff the top and bottom of the film was being cut off. unfortunately due to the found footage motif changing ratio all the time and a lot of black frames, the first time they came to check they didn't believe me. But when the film proper started and the quality jumped up a bit it was obviously wrong, name captions in the lower 3rds were being cropped off. they stopped the film for 5 or 6 minutes to fix the issue and then continued it.

I really don't think it made any impact to the film tough, it wasn't really building to anything at that stage. By the time it actually does start doing something it bloody well finishes.

I had heard bad things about the film going in, so I was expecting a train wreck but the start gave me some hope that it wasn't going to be all bad. In fact I didn't mind the main girl at all and during the regular scenes everyone else seemed fine too, but when the spooky stuff starts all credibility just goes out the window. I wanna just put it down to bad acting but I don't know how much of the script was improvised by them or if they were forced to deliver some of those lines. Either way, not good.

Worst of all, it's nothing we haven't seen a dozen times before.

Unless there's a part 2 that resolves everything in an amazing and twisty way there's absolutely no reason to see this.

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