Thursday, December 22, 2011

Star Wars: Ewok Adventures - Caravan of Courage

First time viewed: No
Current Release: No
Watched With: Jordan, Tyler, Amberly, Ben, Judith, Louisa

Well, it's that time of year. Time to unleash the Star Wars Holiday Special on unsuspecting friends. As it's a TV special it doesn't make the blog, but we did watch the first Ewok Adventure as a follow up. I never really watched Caravan of Courage as a kid, Battle for Endor is in my opinion a billion times better and I would constantly hire it out of the video library.

Just to be extra mean, I made everyone finish off this film by watching the first 7 minutes of the next one. It's pretty harsh, especially after the light fun of the first film.

A lot of love for Warwick Davis lately with the TV series Life's Too Short. Wicket is a pretty awesome little dude. Many people have problems with Ewoks bringing down the Empire. I don't mind so much. But then again I was the right age when I saw Return of the Jedi.

So made for TV movie, it's not the best acting but there are some awesome matte paintings (but I never did find the rumoured Winnie the Pooh painted into one of the trees). And awesome Phil Tippett creatures. It's very episodic, basically a riff on the ol' Seven Samurai structure (Lucas using a Kurosawa structure? Never!) where a bunch of Ewoks team up to go rescue these kids parents from a big ogre dude.

Oh and they totally have to go through the spider web from Krull.

As much as I like the second one a great deal more, this one does a good job of endearing you to some of the characters so that when you watch the second one you can get a little freaked out at the start.

Happy life day everyone.

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