Saturday, July 30, 2011


First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Myself


Again, I waited patiently for this to get a cinema release before I went to see it. Man this one was worth the wait to see in a cinema with MASSIVE PUMPING SOUND. that was awesome.

Joe Wright takes a huge left turn with film, it's nothing like his other films. Although there are a few sequences in The Soloist that suggest his affinity for sound and music with abstract imagery but he's never done action like this. The editing can be very disembodied, there are a lot of close-ups and shots that begin out of context. It's strange, but it really puts you in the same frame of mind as Hanna, experiencing the world for the first time and taking in all these little details. We get to see things like the Spanish dancing and singing through Hanna's eyes.

As usual he has one or two one take wonders. Eric Banna's fight in the subway is pretty neat. But Saoirse Ronan is just out of this world great. And man she kicks ass too. When she breaks out of custody you know you're in for a hell of a ride. Cate Blanchett is creepy and great and Tom Hollander has the most hilarious outfits ever.

Getting the The Chemical Brothers to score was a stroke of genius. The score doesn't kick in until the action does which makes the opening nice and stark. And the cinematography is beautiful. Some striking images in this film, a lot of that has to do with some unique locations they found to play scenes out.

This is a very satisfying film, I really loved it and well worth the wait.

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