Saturday, February 25, 2012

Killer Elite

First time viewed: Yes
Current Release: Yes
Watched With: Michael

I saw Film Victoria's name in the opening credits, which I thought was odd. But then every other actor in the film was Australian and most of it looked like it was filmed here doubling for somewhere else. Even Ben Mendelsohn showed up but he only opened his mouth to speak once and he had a thick scottish accent.

That's always a little jarring and never helps suspension of disbelief. Neither does a script made almost entirely of trailer moment dialogue. So many bad examples of characters stating something about other characters or their situation that just reeks of bad exposition. Probably the only levity I got from the film.

Jason Statham seems to just churn out these kind of moderate to okay action flicks. While I'd say this is probably one of the better ones it still didn't leave much of an impression, however much they claim it's based on a true story.

Never really cared about which characters would live or die, in fact towards the end I had no idea which side we were supposed to be rooting for. Perhaps that's a good thing but it didn't feel like it at the time.

It's not trashy enough to be fun and it's not engaging enough to be taken seriously. It exists in this middle of the read area where I think it was okay but probably won't remember a thing about it tomorrow .

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